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Many museums are housed in historic buildings, sometimes the building itself is part of the museum collection. Creating a stable environment by providing a nearly constant temperature and relative humidity at correct levels decreases the risk of object degradation. Maintaining this steady indoor environment, however, increases energy consumption and risks to the historic building. Museum display cases offer a solution to the mitigation of risks to which valuable objects may be subjected by providing an extra layer of protection to indoor climate fluctuations. The Anne Frank House is a historic house museum located in Amsterdam. The museum has undergone several renovations in the last years to deal with an increase in the number of visitors to over 1.2 million a year. The original diaries and other documents of Anne Frank are permanently on display in the Anne Frank House. With the recent refurbishment the possibility arose to design a new state-of-the-art display case. This study presents the results of the experimental research related to the design, performed in-situ. The temperature and relative humidity in the new exhibition space and inside the new display cases were monitored to gain insight into the hygrothermal behavior of these controlled environments. A complementary numerical study was performed to investigate effects of dynamic climate control of the exhibition gallery and climate conditions in the display case under various circumstances. Four main conclusions are presented in this paper. The investigated display case design is able to provide a stable relative humidity environment by means of silica gel, while using an active box-in-box climate control system to create stable temperature conditions. The inner case temperature depends on the temperature supplied by the display case air handling unit. Protocols must be in place in case of malfunction or failure of the climate control system of the display case. The air handling unit of the case needs to be shut off to create a passive environment for the objects on display until necessary actions are taken. Exhibition gallery set points can be less stringent when susceptible museum objects are on display in the display case. The environments are separated and provide an opportunity for energy saving set point strategies. The last conclusion drawn is that the numerical study provides valuable insight into imposing dynamic control of set points for temperature and relative humidity in the exhibition gallery and the effect on the display case environment.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,以新冠疫情期间太极拳、八段锦等民族传统体育对医患双方的身体康健和精神免疫为切入点,阐释民族传统体育在“国之大事”之际的“为民情怀”,及其表现出的至高的生命尊重。在此基础上,对民族传统体育的科学价值、人文精神、现代化发展进行反思。提出,民族传统体育学科建设,应利用好发展契机,积极承担和主导学术话语的建构;充分发挥中国文化的载体作用,以“世界性”的抱负,承担传递人类命运共同体思想的战略使命;扎根民间,立足中国,坚持中西结合、人文与科学结合。  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济发展,环境保护问题得到社会各界的重视,我国逐渐建立起环境监督与管理体制。美国是发达国家的典型代表,已经建立起相对完善的环境保护法体系和环境监督管理体制,值得我国学习与借鉴。文章通过分析中美环境监督管理体制的特点,比较中美两国环境监督管理机构的职责、独立性、资源配置,以及两国民众环境保护意识的差异,提出了完善我国环境监督管理体制的建议。  相似文献   
This paper examines the long-run relationship between school bullying exposure and later adult health using a nationally representative household survey data from China. Our results show that victims are more likely to have low self-reported health, chronic diseases, physical functional limitations, and mental health problems even after several decades. The negative health consequences are more concentrated on the disadvantaged who come from low-income households or lack family support. The main findings are also consistent with qualitative evidence of our online survey.  相似文献   
物流实验教学团队成员的依存与共进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从物流实验教学团队成员的构成、团队群体与个体间的关系以及团队成员间的关系入手,围绕团队氛围对实验教学改革绩效的影响、个体成员对实验教学改革的影响进行探讨的基础上,提出了促进团队成员彼此依存共进的具体措施。  相似文献   
针对当前网络环境下自主学习存在的主要问题,我们利用校园网和现有教育资源构建适合自主学习的平台,结合实践对如何依托此平台建立自主学习方式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
"实境耦合"人才培养模式是学院在创建国家示范性高等职业院校艰难探索实践中确立的。在此模式下,软件与服务外包学院运用"实境耦合"人才培养模式理论指导其改革实践,从课程设置到训教方法改革等与企业紧密耦合,把学生放在真实的职业环境中,校企合作共同完成了对学生知识、技能、态度的培养,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   
人文素质教育,就是将人类优秀的文化成果通过知识传授、环境熏陶及自身实践,使其内化为人格、气质、修养,成为人相对稳定的内在品质。在阐述加强理工科大学生人文素质教育的必要性和重要性的基础上,提出了加强理工科大学生人文素质教育的基本原则以及加强与改进理工科大学生人文素质教育的思路与建议。  相似文献   
我国旅游环境伦理研究主要集中在环境伦理学对旅游发展的意义和功能,旅游环境伦理概念、主体、客体及价值,旅游环境伦理基本原则和主要规范等方面,实践研究成果主要有旅游环境伦理建设的基本对策,旅游资源开发、旅游产业发展中的环境伦理观以及旅游环境道德教育等。我国相关研究存在学科体系不完善,基础理论研究薄弱,实践研究视角尚待深入细化,缺乏实证、定量研究,对传统环境伦理文化借鉴不够等突出问题。今后,我国旅游环境伦理研究应积极探索构建自身的学科体系,加强基础理论研究,扩展实践研究的范围,注重运用实证、定量方法,重视借鉴传统环境伦理文化。  相似文献   
田亮 《成才之路》2020,(5):104-105
环境是重要的教育教学资源,对幼儿的发展具有重要的教育价值和意义。基于幼儿园环境创设教育理念,幼儿园环境创设要做到内容系统全面,要发挥每个角落的作用,要结合主题教育活动,以激发幼儿学习兴趣,全方位支持幼儿的主动学习,促进幼儿的全面发展,实现幼儿园空间环境的教育价值和意义。  相似文献   
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